Invite your Senators and Congressperson to visit to Khan Al Ahmar

In front of Congr Walden's office.jpg

Eid Jahalin from the Palestinian Bedouin Village of Khan Al Ahmar joined Rebuilding Alliance's team to walk the halls of Congress to keep Eid's village standing

Just as demolition bulldozers were about to roll into Khan al Ahmar, the High Court of Israel issued a last-minute injunction against demolition, requiring the State of Israel to respond to the village's own master plan by July 11th. This gives us more time. Since the US Consulate in Jerusalem is in transition, the strongest way to signal American concern right now is to ask your Members of Congress to visit the village of Khan Al Amar.

Email your Senators and Representative to urge them to go there now

Rep. Jackie Speier met our delegation last week and said, 'When Congress visited the border, it changed everything. We need to visit Khan al Ahmar.'   A key Republican advised us to make it a bi-partisan delegation.


Per Ethics Committee rules, they must file forms before Wed July 10th — I turn to YOU. 

  • Step 1:  Please click here to email your Senators and Representative
  • Step 2: Call them on Friday morning at their local office (you'll have to look it up - they are home this week for the July 4th holiday) and their DC office Monday morning, Call Representative Anna G. Eshoo at (202) 225-8104, Senator Kamala D. Harris at (202) 224-3553, and Senator Dianne Feinstein at (202) 224-3841.
  • Step 3:  Reach out to a friend in Red state or district. Ask your friend to invite their Senators and Representative too, and send them this link to use for their message:  

Here’s what to say when you call:

·     I am a Constituent calling with an urgent request. I ask Senator ______ or Congresswoman/Congressman_________ to travel to Jerusalem in August to personally visit the Palestinian Bedouin Village of Al Khan al Ahmar, or give permission for their staff to go.

·     Rebuilding Alliance, a U.S. Nonprofit, is sponsoring the trip and they've done this befoe. They will provide a detailed agenda. Please note: Ethics Committee applications are due by end of day Tuesday, July 10th

·     The trip starts on Thu August 9th. Due to their shortened Senate recess, Senators and Senate staff will have a 4 day trip, returning by Monday morning, and House Members and staff will have a full 7 day trip. Senate returns on Sun Aug 12, House returns on Wed Aug 15.

Ok, let's begin. Click here to invite your Senators and Representative. Questions? Suggestions? Tamsin and I are standing by - call us at 650 651-7165.


P.S. Things have been moving really fast. Here's what I'm seeing: 

The Tyre School and all Khan Ahmar's homes are standing, however the Israeli Army attacked the peaceful leadership of Al Khan Al Ahmar on July 4th.

At dawn, the Israeli Army brought bulldozers to the edge of the Palestinian Bedouin village of Al Khan al Ahmar; they stated that they were there to pave access roads to facilitate the upcoming forced evacuation. Leaving behind the bulldozers, they temporarily left — after which, and a few kilometers away, the Israeli Army demolished eight Palestinian homes in nearby Abu Nuwar. Upon their return, the soldiers stood saying nothing, while villagers and visitors tried to engage them with questions. Caught on this video, the soldiers suddenly attacked them without provocation — and three villagers were hospitalized, while 10 were handcuffed and arrested. 

Concurrently, the Israeli Army entered Susiya last night at 11pm to photograph the seven homes slated for imminent demolition — taking pictures is a prerequisite to imminent demolition... And today in Al Khan Al Ahmar, the Israeli Army returned, arrested 3 more people, and continues preparing three roads leading into the village for demolition access. 

P.P.S. If you or someone you know would like to accompany your Congressional office on this trip, please complete this application form and provide your resume and three references in reply to this email.