Keeping the Sumarins Safe in their East Jerusalem Home

Over the last few months, there has been challenging progress regarding the Sumarin family and their effort to remain in their East Jerusalem home. 

The unknown future of the Sumarin family's case makes your support incredibly important. We are so grateful to have you in our circle as we work to support the legal strategy that the family developed with their lawyers, Torah Tzedek, and the Sumarin Coalition, to navigate the challenge of keeping their family in their rightful home. 

You may recall that in June, the Israeli Supreme Court gave the Government of Israel an extension before the State is required to respond to the Sumarin family's appeal.

Fearing that the Supreme Court would only pursue the minutiae of details and leave out the big picture issues — including how the property was stolen in the first place —  the Sumarin's lawyers filed a second appeal before a different, Israel’s High Court, just a few months ago. This case would cover all aspects of the family home's 30 year history including the misuse of the Absentee Property law, and the secret agreement was discovered between the Jewish National Fund (JNF) and the Israeli settler group next door called Elad, who has been funding the JNF suits against the family. Elad’s ‘City of David’ was established in the Sumarin family’s orchard and per the secret agreement, Elad gets the Sumarin's house if the eviction proceeds.

A few weeks ago, the Israeli Government responded to the High Court appeal by claiming that there was no need for these new proceedings at all. Now it's up to the Sumarin family's lawyers to respond before the High Court will decide whether or not to take the new case.  

This Sumarin fund provides payment to the attorneys and consulting attorneys for new developments in the family's legal strategy and it also will serve as a safety net for the family if they lose their appeal of their 30 year case before the Supreme and/or High Court.  What a challenge.  

Thank you again for your continued support to keep the Sumarin family in their rightful home. May the family’s rights prevail. As we hear of news, we'll be sure to share our updates with you.

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