You're the best gift! Your ability to reach out to your circle and fundraise can make a great impact. Together, we can advance Rebuilding Alliance's advocacy work. With your support, we can double the number of donors and expand our advocacy campaigns.

To make sure you're all set to raise funds, we're sharing this Fundraising Toolkit with you.


Rebuilding Alliance


Rebuilding Alliance is dedicated to advancing equal rights for the Palestinian people through education, advocacy, and support that assures Palestinian families the right to a home, schooling, economic security, safety, and a promising future.


To realize a just and enduring peace in Palestine and Israel founded upon equal rights, equal security, and equal opportunity for all.

Images you can use


Elevator Pitch

This Giving Tuesday, I am helping Rebuilding Alliance raise funds for Palestinian equal rights. I need your help in meeting my fundraising goal of $<>. On November 29th, your donation will be multiplied, because Global Giving is offering $1.2 million in matching grants. Save the date! Give on November 29th!


Sample Facebook Post

Hi friends, I've signed on to help @Rebuilding Alliance raise funds for their advocacy project: U.S. Movement for Palestinian Communities. Please help me meet my goal of $<> by donating today:


Sample Twitter Post

Hi, I've signed on to help @RebuildingAll raise funds for U.S. Movement for Palestinian Communities. Help me meet my goal of $<> by donating today:


Sample Text

[Name], I've signed on to help Rebuilding Alliance raise funds for their advocacy project: U.S. Movement for Palestinian Communities. Please help me meet my goal of $ by donating today:


Sample Email

I am passionate about supporting equal rights for Palestinian communities. Rebuilding Alliance is doing a phenomenal job advocating for Palestinian communities. That's why I've signed on to help Rebuilding Alliance raise funds for their advocacy project: U.S. Movement for Palestinian Communities. By donating today, you will help me meet my goal of $<>.  

I believe in what they do. This past year, Rebuilding Alliance organized 314 briefings for Congressional Offices, on both sides of the aisle. RA also helped constituents send 14,459 letters to their representatives. Our advocacy efforts have proven effective in keeping the neigborhoods standing and families safe. 

You can contribute to this important cause and help Rebuilding Alliance to continue its mission.


Your name


Sample Thank you Text

Thank you for your support. Because of you, I met my fundraising goal of $<> for Rebuilding Alliance. It has been great fundraising with you for such a great cause! This enables Rebuilding Alliance to advance its advocacy work for Palestinian communities. 


Sample Thank you Email

Thank you for your support. Because of you, I met my fundraising goal of $<> for Rebuilding Alliance. It has been great fundraising with you for such an important cause! This enables Rebuilding Alliance to advance its advocacy work for Palestinian communities. 

Thank you, I couldn’t have done this without you!




Rebuilding Alliance accounts you can tag